What we do

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Lady smiling at Hartfields, Hartlepool
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) strives to be a housing association that is sustainable and engaging, provides high quality and continuously improving services and decent affordable homes in well managed communities prioritising those in greatest need.
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Lady smiling at Hartfields, Hartlepool

Our heritage

We were established more than 110 years ago by Joseph Rowntree to provide housing in communities and work alongside the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Our homes and communities

We manage approximately 2,620 homes, half of which are located in the village of New Earswick, York. The rest are spread across the North East of England, including York, Scarborough, Beverley, Leeds and Hartlepool.

Our homes include apartments, houses, and bungalows. We provide homes for single people, couples, families, and older people. Some of our homes have been adapted to support people living with disabilities. We can also provide extra care and support if needed.

We act as a landlord to residents who rent our homes. We also invest and support communities to enhance the lives of people living there.

As well as this, we also offer shared ownership schemes which help people to buy their own homes who otherwise may be unable to afford to.

New homes

We work with developers to design and build new homes in communities across Yorkshire and the North East of England. We are committed to providing 1,000 new homes by 2030.

We have recently built:

  • Derwenthorpe, York. This new community  was created to provide much needed new homes in York. It has attractive, affordable, eco-friendly family homes in a digitally inclusive community
  • New Lodge, New Earswick. Completed in November 2021. This vibrant community for the over 55s includes a care home and apartments with care available

We also have several planning applications in with the City of York Council for consideration, including:

  • Hartfields conversion - 12 homes
  • Willow Bank New Earswick – 117 homes
  • Garthway West New Earswick -  14 homes
  • D Tail Plant Nursery , Boroughbridge Road York – up to 70 homes

Providing care

As a registered care provider regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We provide care services which are tailored to people’s needs, offering residential and nursing care as well as care within people’s homes.

We currently offer care and extra care provision at the following locations:

All of our care services are currently rated as Good by CQC , nevertheless we are continually striving to identify areas for improvement and we work closely with all of our stakeholders to deliver this.