Update on work on Fifth Avenue and use of compound

Published date:

Work on Fifth Avenue - Tang Hall / Derwenthorpe

As you will be aware the condition of the road on Fifth Avenue is poor – this was partly caused by the large volume of construction vehicles who used it whilst the homes at Derwenthorpe were being built.  

For this reason, part of the road on Fifth Avenue is being re-built to meet the adoption standards of the City of York Council.  The section of the road being rebuilt starts at the junction before the school and finishes at the entrance of Derwenthorpe on Derwent Way. 

David Wilson Homes (DWH) have sub-contracted this work to Advance Two.  Advance Two will be writing to residents who are directly impacted by this work with further information which will include access arrangements.  

The work will start during the week commencing Monday 24th July and is estimated to last for up to 12 weeks which includes the school holidays. The works will include a full reconstruction of the section of the road. Throughout this work, one side of the road will be closed with access controlled via traffic lights. 

Due to the nature of the work, there will be some noise disruption as well as road restrictions i.e., one way traffic. 

We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation.

For any issues or concerns about the work, please contact Info@advancetwo.co.uk, or 01904 375700.

Once the work is completed, the road surface will be significantly better and there will also be improved road safety in the vicinity around the school. 


Work is due to start on the road at Fifth Avenue. David Wilson Homes (DWH) have sub-contracted this work to Advance Two.  

Advance Two will be using the compound which is located behind the Super Sustainable Centre in Derwenthorpe. The compound will be used to store equipment, materials, heavy-duty vehicles, storage containers and welfare cabins. 

It is expected that the deliveries to the compound will start on Wednesday 19th July onwards.

Due to the nature of the deliveries, there will be some noise disruption and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.  We have expressed to the contractor that no deliveries should arrive on site before 8:00am.

The compound will be in continuous use until the work to the roads has been completed. We are still waiting for further information regarding timescales from DWH. However, the use of the compound by DWH is very likely to be long term.