Support for households extended until September

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Over the last 3 years, the government has been providing money to local authorities through the Household Support Fund. 

The fund is used to help support households in need of extra financial support towards essentials such as food and energy costs, in the form of a one-off grant payment. 

The government recently announced that extra funding will be made available, allowing the scheme to be extended to September 2024:

City of York Council 
The York Household Fund is provided by the City of York Council to support households in most need of support to help with the significantly rising living costs. 

Grants will be provided through two routes: 

  • Route 1 – Credit to the Council Tax Account 

People of working age who are receiving Council Tax Support, around 4500 households, will receive a credit to their council tax account. These payments are intended to help families with household bills.

  • Route 2 – Discretionary scheme applications 

Any customer who requires assistance with food, energy, or water bills and who is not receiving Council Tax Support or is over pension age will be able to apply through the discretionary application route.

For further information, please visit the City of York Council website.  

Hartlepool Borough Council 

According to the council’s website - in the Spring of 2024: 

  • Shopping vouchers for eligible low-income families  - £60 per child 

The vouchers will be issued to eligible children and young people in receipt of free school meals and/ or pupil premium. You do not need to apply for this, vouchers will be issued automatically via your child’s education establishment. 

  • Shopping vouchers or cash for eligible low-income pensioners - £60 per pensioner 

The vouchers will be given to eligible pensioners in receipt of Council Tax Support. You do not need to apply for this, payments will be issued automatically to your bank account, where details are available.  

Alternatively, a shopping voucher will be posted to your home address, where bank details are not available. 

For further information, please visit the Hartlepool Borough Council website

Leeds City Council

The council operated a very similar scheme to the City of York Council, but its website has not yet been updated to confirm how it will be run in the future. 

Once information is available it will be included on the Leeds City Council’s website .

North Yorkshire County Council    

The council’s website has not yet been updated to explain how the additional funds will be distributed. In the past, the council has made payments in the form of e-vouchers but it may opt for a different approach in the future. 

Once the information is available, it will be included on the North Yorkshire County Council’s website

If you are a Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust resident and would like further information regarding local Household Support Fund grants and/or would like support to make a claim, please contact the Money & Benefits Advice service for support on 0800 5870211 or at